Monday, April 11, 2011

Beware: Hormonal Pregnant Woman...Proceed with Caution

I will say this, throughout this pregnancy I've had it pretty good (Knock on wood that doesn't change). I haven't experienced a lot of swelling, I don't have a lot of body pain, aside from my hips; which by the way makes me feel like I'm 80 years old, and I haven't had very many crazy cravings leading me to eat like crazy. In fact veggies and fruit is what I crave most. But one thing I have noticed is that I'm more easily agitated then normal; if you can believe that to even be possible. Now, many of you who know me personally know this, I am no bed of roses at times and I have a tendency to be brash, outspoken and just plain tough to take at times (we all have to embrace our faults people, and I've embraced mine). However, I have noticed that lately, my tolerance for some things stands next to nil. Maybe it's a maternal protective instinct, or just hormones but there is no doubt that I seem to be ready to throw down at a moments notice or give my signature look of discontent when something irritates me.

For example when people don't allow you to cross when it is clearly a pedestrian crossing in a parking lot. If you did this to me before I had become a human incubator I would have let it slide or at worse given you a nasty look. Now, I have no issues with flipping you the "have a nice day finger" or calling you out as the jackass you seem to be. In my mind, if you can't wait the extra 5 seconds for this preggo woman to waddle across the crosswalk, you're a jackass. Now, I can see how in situations like these it may be nothing more then a protective maternal instinct being protective of the growing human being inside of me, I mean you did just almost plow me over with your car, but I've noticed my tolerance for stupidity has also plunged to an all time low. Usually I had some sort of tolerance fro this behavior, but now a days it's next to zero. People making stupid comments, inaccurate information trying to pass as fact and just general douche bag behavior now causes me to roll my eyes and I have to bite my tongue (or I'll get fired or some sort of altercation would ensue). I guess I have to just chalk this up to being hormonal,after all I am supposed to me more moody now a days right? But then again I could also chalk it up to being exposed to an increased number of stupid people and jackass'...I think I choose possibility #2, it seems more of a realistic possibility. ;)

1 comment:

  1. least you don't have to wait for the full moon to use the hormonal excuse. this was a funny post. :)
