Public Service Announcement: Having a baby is expensive. That is all.
I actually think having a baby is like planning a wedding. Once you say it's for a baby, the price jumps. Just like when you say it's for a wedding. Why? because they know you'll spend the money. I mean this is for your unborn child right? why wouldn't you?
I can't imagine how parents who earn a lower income do it. Obviously you'd cut on some things but how about major things you need? Diapers $30/box on sale, Baby monitors $50.00 (low end), Crib $100.00 (low end), Car seat and stroller $300+ the list and price points go on and on. All these things accumulate and the next thing you know you've spent thousands of dollars all before your baby has been born. I was at home organizing Baby's room and I took stock of all the stuff we've gotten and accumulated. Given, I was very spoiled my my friends who were very generous at my baby showers and I got a lot of hand me downs from my sister and her two boys; however, there are lots of things DH and I got on our own; and all this before Baby is even born. So I figured I'd list a few important things to-be moms should consider (in my opinion) spending the denaro on and some things you can cheap out on and maybe the financial hit would hurt so much. Now, remember this is just my opinion; I may just be a paranoid first time mom; I have no science to back this up :)
Breast pump
Reason: You only have one set of boobs and you should do what you can to keep them happy. Breast feeding can be difficult for some, so why add to it with a cheapo pump that doesn't make things easier.
Update your Will
Reason: What happens if you and your partner die. Not a cool thing to think about but something to think about non the less. Who is gonna take care of your baby?
Blood Cord Banking
Reason: There may be family medical issues you may not know about and the advancement of technology is happening so fast that if I can help my child if he/she ever needed medical help for illnesses like certain cancers, I think the yearly banking fee is a small price to pay.
Lotions and creams
Reason: I think there are so many chemicals out there now a days that natural or organic is best. Last thing I want to know is that the cream I used for baby had side effect that was realized years down the road.
Car seat
Reason: Keep your baby safe. Need I say more? A good car seat can protect your baby, isn't that reason enough?
Reason: Baby doesn't care what he/she is wearing. This is purely for the entertainment of the parents. I say have 1-2 nice outfits when Baby has a public appearance and the rest of the time who cares, hand me downs and used clothing from thrift stores do the job. Plus, people love giving clothing as presents so you may not even have a shortage by the time Baby arrives.
Change Table and other furniture.
Reason: After the baby has grown out of the crib (if not convertible) what will you do with it?
And isn't a change table just a dresser with a pad on the top? so Why not use a dresser with a change pad on the top? DH bought me baby furniture as a Christmas gift; he finished the whole nursery as a surprise for me, He bought a change table as-is from a furniture store, a glider off a used website, book shelf from Ikea and we had a hand me down crib from my sister. It all matches and honestly I think we saved a ton of money.
Reason: why do you need a $700.00 stroller? why? Honestly, I think function over fashion here. I know some people what the cool sleek looking strollers (DH being one of them) but really? $700.00 for something you baby will grow out of in a few years? Look, I'm not saying get the cheapest one you can find. DH and I spent a whole day looking for a stroller that was right for us, all I'm saying is fashion is not everything. We opted for one that folds and unfolds with one hand, is light enough for me to load up into the car, has no obstructions for Baby and has lots of storage. It may not be the coolest looking, nor is it the most expensive. It's a middle range stroller that will hopefully meet all our needs
There are so many other things for to-be parents to buy but really, if I went through it all this entry would go on forever, and nobody wants to hear my opinions that badly. My main point is this, Baby doesn't care if it's dressed in the latest baby fashions, if it has a pimp stroller or if he/she has a awesome bedroom. He/she cares about having parents that love it and will give them the attention they need and help them grow. All the other stiff is just to make the parents seem cooler in the eyes of everyone else; Keeping up with the Jone's baby style you might say. So if you need to save money, go used or skip the stuff you don't need ans spend on the things you deem as important. Generations have gone without super sophisticated toys or fancy all-terrain strollers and we humans have still turned out alright. I say just figure out whats important to you and go from there. After all, it's your money, spend it as you see fit. I'm just too cheap to pay $40 for a summer dress or a t-shirt for myself , let alone a baby.
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